See Happenings below

What is the Purpose of the United  Women in Faith
The organized unit of the United Women in Faith shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.

Who can Join the United Women in Faith?
Any women who commits herself to the Purpose ( above) of the United Women in Faith and to engage in mission study, personal growth and social action can join. You don’t have to be United Methodist or meet an age requirement to be a member.

Why should I join?
United Women in Faith is a community of women committed to mission. As a member you can take advantage of many opportunities, including the following:

Prayer, Bible studies and spiritual retreats.
Hands-on mission in local communities.
Mission education experiences.
Leadership development and training opportunities.
Supporting work with women, children, and youth.
Partnership with women in mission in the country and around the world.
Advocacy for social justice issues, including those pertaining to the environment domestic violence, immigration and many other concerns that impact the lives of women, children and youth.
Engagement in racial justice issues.

What does the United Women in Faith Do?
Our members nurture one another in community and support U.S. and international projects and partners improving the lives of women,children and youth with their prayers,volunteer work and advocacy efforts and financial gifts.

In the United Women in Faith in Columbia United Methodist Church, we are very active in fund raising and reaching our to those in need. During this past year we held our annual Ash Wednesday Service and brunch. We collected socks and donate them to the Veterans in Lorain county at Christmas time. We collect used glasses and ship them to third world countries who can reuse them. We donate offering collections to the Columbia Food Bank, donate to the World Thank Offerings, and support our own Methodist Youth on their mission trip each year. We have donated funds to South Sudan, Haiti, and West Side Community House in Cleveland, and the Genesis House in Lorain County.  Each year is slightly different but these are good examples of monetary distributions.


We meet the first Wednesday of each month,( with a few exceptions) from 10 AM until 12 noon. We are always open to new members. We do not meet in July, and August.  Our current officers for 2024  are:
Pam Andrews               President
To be determned         Vice President
Sandy Eichenberg        Secretary
Sally Stone                    Treasurer

If you have any questions or I can be of any assistance,please feel free to contact me at

MEETINGS- We will meet on the first Wednesday of each month in Fellowship Hall. On October 2,2024 at 10 a.m.  the program will be presented by Marcia Adamczyk.  On November 6,2024 at 10 a.m.  we will meet for our planning meeting the program will be presented by Sandy Goodson and Joyce Cook.  WORLD THANK OFFERINGS ARE DUE IN OCTOBER OR NOVEMBER.  On Wednesday, December 4,2024 at 11:30 a.m. we will hold our Christmas potluck luncheon with fellowship, fun and installation of officers.  All women are invited.
Thanks,  Sally
Thank you for reading our new webpage!

Up and coming events


PEANUT BUTTER DRIVE – During the month of October, we will collect sealed jars of peanut butter. Place them in the basket in the foyer.  These will be donated to the Elyria Salvation Army. 

RADA CUTLERY — RADA products are still available to benefit our mission work. Go to  Click on Select your fundraising group; put in Columbia’s zip code (44028) and give Columbia UMW credit.  If you need help or have questions, please contact Marcia Adamczyk (440) 724-3293.

SOUP-TO-GO on election day–On Election Day (Nov. 5, 2024), we will be selling Lillie’s famous soups in pints ($5.00) or quarts ($10.00).  Choose from vegetable beef, cheesy vegetable, potato, or black bean.  PRE-ORDERS ARE REQUIRED.  Order by calling Joyce (440)309-5896 or after church during the month of October. THE LAST DAY WE WILL ACCEPT ORDERS IS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2024.  When you order, please indicate your pick- up time.  Orders will be picked up at the east end of the church by Fellowship Hall.

SOCK DRIVE- During Advent, we will be collecting SOCKS and other winter items –gloves, hats, scarves.  These will be donated to the Elyria Salvation Army.  






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