CUMC Snow Policy

Please note: Whenever the County Level is Purple (Level 4), Drive-In Worship is cancelled. We will also watch weather conditions: If there is more than 2 inches of snow, if there has been an ice storm, or if the temperature is below 10 degrees, we will not have Drive-in Worship.

If the Lorain County Sheriff has declared a level 2 or level 3 snow emergency, then all worship services and/or church events will be cancelled. Services and church events may also be cancelled at the discretion of the Pastor or the person responsible for the particular ministry or event.

In the event that worship or a church event is cancelled due to snow, we will make every effort to notify our congregation and friends using the church website, phones, Facebook, e-mail and television.

Snow level emergency definitions from the Lorain County Sheriff’s website:

Level 1 Snow Emergency is defined as: The roadways are hazardous, drive with extreme care. This alert will remain in effect until notified.

Level 2 Snow Emergency Notification is defined as: The roadways are extremely hazardous with blowing, drifting snow and/or flooding. Only those who feel it necessary to travel should be on the roadways. Employees should comply with workplace policies or contact their employer. This alert will remain in effect until notified.

Level 3: Snow Emergency Notification is defined as: Most roadways are closed and extremely hazardous/flooded. Employees should comply with workplace policies or contact their employer. Violators may be cited. This alert will be reassessed every two hours.

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