Columbia United Methodist Church
25453 Royalton Road
Columbia Station, Ohio 44028
Phone: (440) 236-8822
Worship services are at 10:30 am in the sanctuary. Masks are optional.
Online worship services Sunday on our YouTube channel. You can access this by clicking on the “Worship Services” tab and selecting the service you want to view, or by visiting our YouTube channel directly.
Thanks for stopping by. Columbia UMC is a vibrant, generous and mission oriented church that cares deeply about our community and the world. We are friendly and open and have wonderful children’s programs and passionate worship services. If you are looking for a church home, or even just a place to visit, please come.
Columbia United Methodist Church
25453 Royalton Road
Columbia Station, Ohio 44.08
Phone 440-236-8822
Pastor: Mar Bruner
Secretary : Lois Reisinger E-Mail: columbiaumoffice@gmail.com
Our Staff